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Sep 30, 2005

Catch-As-Catch-Can: A Case Note On Grokster

In summer 2005, the United States Supreme Court issued a decision which is surely destined to play a significant role in the interrelation between law and technology in the coming…

Feb 1, 2005

NetDialogue: A Mechanism to Promote Transparency and Public Dialogue in International Net Governance

In WGIG terms, the Net Dialogue website introduced here is a tool to shed light on how international organizations are dealing with the issue of “applicable jurisdiction and cross…

Dec 13, 2005

Frames from the Framers: How America's Revolutionaries Imagined Intellectual Property

The dominant metaphor in England for many years had compared creative work to the harvest of a landed estate. The estate metaphor was bounded by two others, however: commonwealth…

May 12, 2005

Tagging and Why It Matters

Tagging has become the latest craze among the digerati. While it certainly has been hyped, there are reasons to think it is not only going to go mainstream, it will have effects…

Sep 30, 2005

The Broadcast Flag: It's Not Just TV

It's not about the television. Or rather, it's not about television as broadcast to the passive consumer, to be received on single-purpose boxes. It's about television as it could…

Dec 14, 2005

Rapid ICT Change and Workplace Knowledge Obsolescence: Causes and Proposed Solutions

ICT changes are visible in many aspects of our lives. It is changing how we communicate, learn and seek entertainment. Our work environments are no exception....Corporate…

Jan 7, 2005

Content and Control: Assessing the Impact of Policy Choices on Potential Online Business Models in the Music and Film Industries

The online environment and new digital technologies threaten the viability of the music and film industries' traditional business models. The industries have responded by seeking…

Nov 1, 2004

Transposing the Copyright Directive: Legal Protection of Technological Measures in EU-Member States

The EU Copyright Directive (EUCD) entered into force on June 22, 2001. The directive is aimed at harmonizing the divergent European copyright regimes and at transposing the WIPO…

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