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May 19, 1999

Evaluating the Costs and Benefits of Taxing Internet Commerce

Current tax law makes it difficult to enforce sales taxes on most Internet commerce and has generated considerable policy debate. In this paper we analyze the costs and benefits…

Apr 1, 1999

The Power of Openness - Why Citizens, Education, Government and Business Should Care About the Coming Revolution in Open...

As software and networking technologies rapidly insinuate themselves into the deepest reaches of American commerce, culture and governance, the architecture of our democratic…

Mar 8, 1999

The Censorship of Television

Only an informed public can meaningfully participate in decisions about matters of public import. Television is one aspect of an informal public education. Thus...we should…

May 11, 1998

What Things Regulate Speech: CDA 2.0 vs. Filtering (Draft 3.01)

In 1995, California passed a statute making it a crime to sell porn in vending machines. More precisely, the statute made it a crime to sell “harmful matter” (meaning harmful to…

Jan 1, 1997

The Rise and Fall of Sysopdom

"Sysop" has gone from a term of art known only to the bleeding-edge few to a dusty anachronism known only to the bleeding-gums few, without the usual years-long general linguistic…

Dec 5, 2007

Facebook responds to privacy concerns, but some still remain

From networking site Facebook has been on the defensive lately for a variety of poor privacy and dislosure related decisions about its Beacon application.

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