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Nov 1, 2004

Why DRM Should Be Cause for Concern: An Economic and Legal Analysis on the Effect of Digital Technology on the Music Industry

In response to piracy and online file trading, the music industry has begun to adopt technological measures, often referred to as digital rights management (DRM), to control the…

Jun 14, 2004

iTunes: How Copyright, Contract, and Technology Shape the Business of Digital Media - A Case Study

This paper provides an analysis of Apple’s iTunes Online Music Store. The exploratory case study presented in this document is research in progress. Comments and questions are…

Apr 8, 2004

Computer Hacking: Making the Case for a National Reporting Requirement

The incidences of computer hacking have increased dramatically over the years. Indeed, the current federal laws, including the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, have done very little…

Apr 1, 2004

Information Cannot Be Owned: There is More of a Difference than Many Think

Apart from technology, the information age has up to now badly served its idol. It has failed sufficiently to recognize specific features of information.

Susan Crawford

Susan Crawford is John A. Reilly Clinical Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and a co-director of the Berkman Klein Center. She served as Special…

Apr 1, 2004

The Accountable Net: Peer Production of Internet Governance

Three problems of online life - spam, informational privacy, and network security - lend themselves to the peer production of governance. Traditional sovereigns have tried and, to…

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