Readiness for the Networked World: Jamaica Assessment
Executive Summary, Recommendations and Audio Extracts:
This report is an assessment of the status of ICTs in Jamaica, which attempts to analyze obstacles and impediments to ICT development in the country. A set of recommended actions and policies are also presented here including key messages in audio format from those working at the cutting edge of ICT development in Jamaica.
The assessment is structured as follows:
• Executive Summary, Observations, Recommendations and Audio Extracts
• Presentation of Jamaica’s national background.
• Description of Jamaica’s telecommunications policy and ICT trade policy
• Analysis of whether these policies facilitate or obstruct ICT development in Jamaica.
The body of the report is further structured into sections based on this methodology:
1. Network Policy
2. Network Access
3. Networked Learning
4. Networked Society; and
5. Networked Economy
Each section is categorized into stages (1 to 4), stage 1 corresponding to the lowest level of e-readiness, and stage 4 the highest. The last part of the report presents the main findings. The main conclusion of the assessment points to the fact that Jamaica is in a highly transitional stage with regards to being ready for the networked world. Rural Jamaica oscillates between stage 1 and stage 2, while urban Jamaica oscillates between stage 2 and stage 3 depending on which indicator is under study.
The Executive Summary follows together with observations, recommendations, and audio interview extracts (pages 8-18).
This report is an assessment of the status of ICTs in Jamaica, which attempts to analyze obstacles and impediments to ICT development in the country. A set of recommended actions and policies are also presented here including key messages in audio format from those working at the cutting edge of ICT development in Jamaica.
The assessment is structured as follows:
• Executive Summary, Observations, Recommendations and Audio Extracts
• Presentation of Jamaica’s national background.
• Description of Jamaica’s telecommunications policy and ICT trade policy
• Analysis of whether these policies facilitate or obstruct ICT development in Jamaica.
The body of the report is further structured into sections based on this methodology:
1. Network Policy
2. Network Access
3. Networked Learning
4. Networked Society; and
5. Networked Economy
Each section is categorized into stages (1 to 4), stage 1 corresponding to the lowest level of e-readiness, and stage 4 the highest. The last part of the report presents the main findings. The main conclusion of the assessment points to the fact that Jamaica is in a highly transitional stage with regards to being ready for the networked world. Rural Jamaica oscillates between stage 1 and stage 2, while urban Jamaica oscillates between stage 2 and stage 3 depending on which indicator is under study.
The Executive Summary follows together with observations, recommendations, and audio interview extracts (pages 8-18).