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Feb 18, 2004

Berkman Briefing: Rip, Mix, and Burn - Lessig's Case for Building a Free Culture

In a low-lit auditorium at Harvard University's Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Stanford Law Professor Lawrence Lessig leaned against the podium and clicked a remote…

Feb 6, 2004

Berkman Briefing: Free Software, the Gospel

If Eben Moglen's recent address at Harvard could be condensed to bumper-sticker format, it might read: Free Software, It isn't just source code—It’s a way of life. Moglen is a…

CyberOne: Law in the Court of Public Opinion - Fall 2007

This year's Cyberone will begin with empathic argument and programming from scratch, then segue immediately to projects.

Freshman Seminar 40p - The Law of the Internet - Fall 2006

This seminar will consider some of the most intriguing of the issues to which the advent of the internet has given and continues to give rise. It will focus on a cluster of topics…

Aug 14, 2004

The Torts Game

Defending Mean Joe Greene

Book Description, from Amazon: Use this short secondary text with any torts casebook to give your students a demonstration of the practical dimensions to tort law alongside the…

Jul 31, 2005


Internet Law Series

Description, from Amazon: This casebook explores Internet Law as a coherent if organic whole — integrating the historical sweep of the global Internet’s development with both…

Jul 31, 2005

Technological Complements to Copyright

Internet Law Series

Description, from Amazon: This volume is devoted to exploring the technological, legal, and policy issues arising from widespread unauthorized copying of copyright material…

Sep 30, 1999

The Biology of Business

Decoding the Natural Laws of Enterprise

Book Description, from Amazon: Increasingly interconnected, volatile, and complex, today's organizations cannot be controlled by any conventional approach to management. Indeed…

Rick Levine

Rick Levine

Torts - Fall 1997

Torts - Fall 1997

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