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Feb 20, 2008

John Palfrey Featured on This Week in Law Podcast

Along with Ernie Svenson, Cathy Kirkman and Chris Johnston, and ZDNet blogger Denise Howell, Palfrey discussed the Draft Lessig Facebook group which he created, the tech-savvyness…

Internet Law 2003: Program of Instruction for Lawyers

The Internet is maturing. With it, the laws and the norms that surround the use of Internet technologies have less of an edgy feel than they did just a few years ago. Yet much of…

Feb 19, 2008

Harvard University Unanimously Votes 'Yes' for Open Access

Harvard University’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences has unanimously approved a motion for finished academic papers to be posted for free online, in an open access repository, on an…

May 17, 2007

OpenNet Initiative Country Profiles, 2007

This collection of country summaries offers a synopsis of the findings and conclusions of OpenNet Initiative (ONI) research into each of the countries.

Cyberlaw: Internet Points of Control - Winter 2007

This course examines current legal, political, and technical struggles for control/ownership of the global Internet and its content. Course themes include the interaction between…

Practical Lawyering in Cyberspace: Seminar - Fall 2006

Using a variety of cyberlaw-related case studies drawn from recent, actual controversies, along with targeted readings, court filings, real-life testimony, deposition videotapes…

Internet, Law, and Politics: Seminar - Spring 2007

This course will consider some of the most intriguing of the political and legal issues to which the advent of the Internet gives rise. The course will seek to frame these…

Evidence - Winter 2007

Evidence--the law, logic, philosophy and practice of argument and proof as instruments of dispute resolution. What are the functions and limitations of trial? How does our trial…

CyberStrategy: Law and Emotion: Reading Group - Fall 2006

Urs and I are interested in identifying and discussing both analytical and constructive principles that might be derived fro+m various bodies of knowledge, including knowledge…

Evidence - Winter 2008

We study the process and law of proof in American jury trial. Within that frame, we explore the nature of truth, perception, memory, credibility, clarity, relevance, prejudice,…

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