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Harry Lewis

Harry Lewis, Gordon McKay Research Professor of Computer Science in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University, is the…

Hal Abelson

Hal Abelson

Feb 19, 2008

Berkman Luncheon Series: Lewis Hyde on Reclaiming Fair Use for Scholars and Teachers”

Berkman Fellow and Professor of Creative Writing at Kenyon College Lewis Hyde today gave a Tuesday Luncheon Series presentation on "Reclaiming Fair Use for Scholars and Teachers."

Fern Nesson

Fern Nesson

Cyberlaw: Internet Points of Control - Winter 2008

This course examines current legal, political, and technical struggles for control/ownership of the global Internet and its content.

David Hornik

David Hornik

Venture Capital and the Technology Start-up - Winter 2008

This course focuses on the legal and business aspects of technology start-ups, with an emphasis on matters relating to intellectual property.

Feb 19, 2008

Harvard-MIT-Yale Cyberscholar Working Group, Tuesday February 19

The monthly Harvard-MIT-Yale Cyberscholar Working Group will meet this evening in room 32-155 of the Stata Center at MIT at 6PM. Here are the presenters for this evening:

Aug 31, 1999

MP3: Copyright Protection for Music on the Move

The Internet has become notorious for the frenetic pace at which its enabling technologies engender movements which impact the lives and interests of those who deal in its realm…

Jan 23, 2004

Berkman Briefing: WSIS – Conference Hype or Lasting Change?

In terms of size alone, the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) was a stunning achievement: 11,000 official participants representing 176 nations convened in Geneva for…

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