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Feb 12, 2008

Tuesday Luncheon Series: President of the Museum of Science, Ioannis Miaoulis

For today's Tuesday lunch we welcomed Ioannis Miaoulis, President and Director of the Museum of Science, Boston.

Feb 12, 2008

How Can Law Foster Innovative Entrepreneurship? A Blueprint for a Research Program

From Urs Gasser, Berkman Fellow and Director of the Research Center for Information Law at the University of St.

Feb 11, 2008

Save These Dates!

The Berkman Center has some stellar events approaching in the upcoming months - as part of the Berkman Center's 10th Anniversary Celebration - and truly hopes that you'll be able…

Feb 11, 2008

Update on Academic Technology with Melanie Dulong - 2/13

Berkman Fellow Melanie Dulong de Rosnay, one of the pioneers of Creative Commons France, will be participating in a Boston Bar Association "Update on Academic Technology: MIT…

Feb 8, 2008

Berkman Buzz, week of February 4

BERKMAN BUZZ: A look at the past week's online Berkman conversations. If you'd like to receive this by email, just sign up here. The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at…

Feb 8, 2008

Monday, 2/11: A Special Web of Ideas with David Weinberger on The Future of the Music Industry

This coming Monday, 2/11, David Weinberger will host a special Web of Ideas on the Future of the Music Industry, with guest musician Brad Sucks.

Feb 8, 2008

Jenkins' Fair Use Interview with Pat Aufderheide and Peter Jaszi

Following up on the release of their most recent Fair Use paper, Recut, Reframe, Recycle, Henry Jenkins engaged Pat Audferheide and Peter Jaszi in a Q&A about their work and new…

Feb 7, 2008

Beyond Broadcast 2008 Announced

Our colleagues at American University's Center for Social Media today announced the third installment of Beyond Broadcast.  This year's conference will take place on June 17th in…

Tuna Chatterjee

Tuna is a fellow at the Berkman Center and a Staff Attorney with the Citizen Media Law Project, which provides legal education and resources for…

Feb 7, 2008

open-access is the future: boycott locked-down academic journals

Berkman Fellow danah boyd writes: "On one hand, I'm excited to announce that my article 'Facebook's Privacy Trainwreck: Exposure, Invasion, and Social Convergence' has been…

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