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Jenkins' Fair Use Interview with Pat Aufderheide and Peter Jaszi

Following up on the release of their most recent Fair Use paper, Recut, Reframe, Recycle, Henry Jenkins engaged Pat Audferheide and Peter Jaszi in a Q&A about their work and new fair use considerations.  We've excerpted it below, and the full exchange can be found on Professor Jenkins' blog, Confessions of an Aca-Fan.

"A recent study by the Pew Center for Internet Research suggests that almost 60 percent of teens on line have produced their own media content and a growing percentage of them are circulating that content beyond their immediate friends and families. What are the implications of this growth of grassroots media production for our current understandings of fair use?

PA: A more participatory media culture is definitely going mainstream. While it's still true that many more people watch than make at the moment, you're right to point out that young people are growing up as makers, and seizing upon blogs, online video and social networks to express and even form their identities. There are DaxFlame aficionados, and there are dozens of take-offs on "Dick in a Box," and "Dramatic Chipmunk" has spawned "Dramatic Snake" and "Dramatic Squirrel" and even compilation and fan websites for the phenomenon..."

Henry Jenkins is currently participating in 24/7: A DIY Video Summit out at USC's Institute for Multimedia Literacy.  You can check out a live video stream of their events as they happen here