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Update on Academic Technology with Melanie Dulong - 2/13

Berkman Fellow Melanie Dulong de Rosnay, one of the pioneers of Creative Commons France, will be participating in a Boston Bar Association "Update on Academic Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare and Creative Commons" meeting this Wednesday, February 13 at the BBA's offices downtown.

From the Boston Bar Association: Join us for an update on two projects widely discussed by faculty who want to make their scholarship more available.  Michael Jung, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will discuss intellectual property and other issues related to MIT OpenCourseWare, which provides public access to lecture notes, materials and videos from 1800 courses.  Melanie Dulong de Rosnay, fellow at Harvard Law School's Berkman Center for Internet & Society, will review licenses available from Creative Commons and efforts at Science Commons to encourage scientists to share data.

You can learn more and RSVP for the event here.