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Tech Policy Press

How to Assess Platform Impact on Mental Health and Civic Norms

BKC Affiliate Nathaniel Lubin writes about methods and approaches of evaluating effects of digital platforms on mental health.

Jun 22, 2023
The Atlantic

We've Been Thinking About the Internet All Wrong

BKC Affiliate Nathaniel Lubin writes about using the field of public health as inspiration for a new metaphor for the internet.

Jun 21, 2023
The Conversation

AI could shore up democracy – here’s one way

BKC Affiliate Nathan Sanders writes about the drawbacks and the opportunities AI can provide to strengthen democracy.

Jun 20, 2023
The Conversation

Generative AI is a minefield for copyright law

BKC Assistant Director of the Cyberlaw Clinic Jessica Fjeld writes about the challenges that arise in the realm of copyright law due to the increased use of generative AI. 

Jun 15, 2023
The Hill

Artificial intelligence doesn’t have to be inhumane

Sue Hendrickson and BKC Responsible AI Fellow Rumman Chowdhury write about the role of global governance alongside the development of AI.

Jun 14, 2023
Foreign Policy

Build AI by the People, for the People

BKC Affiliates Bruce Schneier and Nathan Sanders write about the need for AI investment to be taken out of the hands of private companies.

Jun 12, 2023
Rolling Stone

The Feds Are Coming for Crypto. Can It Survive?

BKC Affiliate Molly White writes about lawsuits filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission against two of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges.

Jun 10, 2023

Apple Ghosts the Generative AI Revolution

BKC Affiliate Micaela Mantegna discusses Apple's AI philosophy and approach to the Vision Pro which largely ignored generative AI applications.

Jun 6, 2023

The Brilliant Scholar Who’s Challenging Racism In Game Design

BKC Faculty Associate Kishonna Gray and her work studying race and gender in gaming are profiled by Kotaku.  

Jun 2, 2023
Yale Information Society Project

Imagine A Community: Obscenity’s History and Moderating Speech Online

Clinical instructor at the Cyberlaw Clinic and director of the Initiative for a Representative First Amendment Kendra Albert writes about the history of obscenity’s community…

Jun 1, 2023
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