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Madhavi Sunder

Madhavi Sunder is the Frank Sherry Professor of Intellectual Property Law at the Georgetown University Law Center.

Mehtab Khan

Mehtab Khan's scholarship focuses on the intersections between IP, data governance, and AI ethics.

Dasha Pruss

Dasha Pruss is an incoming Postdoctoral Fellow in the Embedded EthiCS program at Harvard University.

Lauren Emily Bridges

Lauren Bridges researches the social and environmental impacts of digital infrastructures.

Maitreya Shah

Maitreya Shah is a blind lawyer and researcher. His work lies in the interstices of the ethics and governance of emerging technologies and disability…

Rebekah Larsen

Rebekah Larsen has a PhD in sociology from the University of Cambridge. Her research focuses on understudied media environments, particularly at the…

Angela X. Wu

Angela Xiao Wu is an Associate Professor in Media, Culture and Communication at NYU. Focusing on the infrastructures and politics of knowledge…

Centro LatinoAmericano de Investigación Periodística

Clean Slate: how felons are erasing compromising news online

The Lumen database received a shoutout apropros the "back-dated article technique" whereby individuals, often using false credentials, are able to initiate takedown requests of…

Aug 4, 2023
Aug 2, 2023

2022-23 Assembly Fellowship Summary

The 2022-2023 RSM Assembly Fellowship program brought together 13 interdisciplinary researchers, entrepreneurs, and professionals to reimagine and rework digital social space in…

Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research

ChatGPT for Social Work Science: Ethical Challenges and Opportunities

BKC Faculty Associates Desmond Patton and Siva Mathiyazhagan, and Aviv Landau describe the potential use of ChatGPT in social work science.

Aug 1, 2023
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