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Acquisitions in the third party tracking industry

competition and data protection aspects

A role for antitrust authorities in the third party tracking industry

Oct 18, 2018
Oct 18, 2018

Is Privacy Privacy?

How have different technical and normative conceptions of privacy evolved? What are the practical challenges that these divergent approaches pose?


Evolving Technology means Change to Legal Finance

On transformation in the financial services landscape due to globalizing and evolving technologies

Oct 17, 2018
Oct 15, 2018

Network Propaganda

Manipulation, Disinformation, and Radicalization in American Politics

The most comprehensive study yet published on media coverage of American presidential politics from April 2015 to the one year anniversary of the Trump presidency


The Black Mirror Writer's Room

Teaching Technology Ethics through Speculation

Teaching technologists to think critically about responsibility and ethics is one way to keep our lives from into turning into a Black Mirror episode

Oct 15, 2018

FinTech Forward 2018

Domestic and international financial regulators, innovators, and experts examine financial tech topics

Oct 12, 2018

No Longer Running Naked through the Digital World

We are now digital as well as physical beings, and this is new to a human

Oct 12, 2018

Algorithmic Megaphones and Free Speech

Where is the line between authentic free speech and the manipulation of speech?

Oct 12, 2018
Everyday Matters

Don’t Leave It All to Facebook

The U.S. Should Do More To Protect Our Data Privacy

Who makes sure that companies collecting your personal data operate in ways that benefit, rather than exploit, you?

Oct 12, 2018

Stop Saying Privacy in Dead

Privacy still exists. You just have to know where to look for it so you know what to fight for.

Oct 11, 2018
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