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MIT Technology Review

Inside Shenzhen’s race to outdo Silicon Valley

Shenzhen flooded the world with cheap gadgets. Can it now become what Silicon Valley never did — a global hub of innovation, entrepreneurship, and manufacturing?

Dec 18, 2018

Yes, Big Platforms Could Change Their Business Models

The few companies that control our digital public sphere—Facebook, Google, and Twitter—are all driven by the same fundamental business model, and it has only grown more pernicious…

Dec 17, 2018

Instagram May Have Been Key Tool in Russia's Manipulation of U.S. Voters

Renee DiResta discusses the results of a new report commissioned by the Senate Intelligence Committee about Russian interference in U.S. elections.

Dec 17, 2018

Embedded EthiCS

Embedded EthiCS is a collaboration between philosophers and computer scientists led by faculty from both fields

Dec 17, 2018

Learn about Patents with Stories and Pandas

A new resource for everyday inventors explaining how the patent system works... through pandas!

Dec 17, 2018
Harvard Magazine

Ethics and the dawn of decision-making machines

Even a thoughtfully designed algorithm must make decisions based on inputs from a flawed, imperfect, unpredictable, idiosyncratic real world

Dec 17, 2018
BBC Media Action Insight Blog

The truth about health misinformation: it’s not just about fact checking

Three approaches from the field of health communication people can use for combatting misinformation in other contexts.

Dec 17, 2018
Dec 17, 2018

Berkman Klein Center Reaffirms Open Access Policy

A Look Back on Open Research Practices

Two decades have passed since we first began using open practices to distribute, communicate, and connect our scholarship with the world

Nieman Journalism Lab

Think 2018 was bad? Wait until you see 2019

Unless journalists decide to take a stand and rethink the current status quo, 2019 will be darker and gloomier.

Dec 15, 2018

Book Review: The attack of the killer fridges has begun

The world is ever more connected via the internet, from cars and power grids to home appliances and toys. That means ever more things are dangerously hackable.

Dec 14, 2018
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