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Intellectual Debt: With Great Power Comes Great Ignorance

What Technical Debt Can Teach Us About the Dangers of AI Working Too Well

Jul 24, 2019
Bloomberg Law

Ransomware, Data Breaches Expose Gaps in Cyber Insurance Market

Can insurance companies refuse to cover the costs of a cyberattack linked to nation-state actors?

Jul 24, 2019
The New Yorker

The Hidden Costs of Automated Thinking

Jonathan Zittrain argues that overreliance on artificial intelligence may put us in intellectual debt

Jul 23, 2019
Journalist's Resource

10 tips for covering white supremacy and far-right extremists

Q&A with Journalist’s Resource offers advice for journalists

Jul 22, 2019
Jul 20, 2019

Three Takeaways for Creating Interfaces Between Academia and the Public and Private Sectors for Ethical AI

RightsCon session fosters insight into role academia plays in training future leaders

Preparing leaders of tomorrow to innovate ethically

The Washington Post

How Trump put himself in charge of Twitter’s decency standards

Twitter has ceded responsibility for governing its own platform to its most prolific and controversial user, says BKC affiliate Joan Donovan.

Jul 19, 2019
Public Radio Tulsa

Does Facebook Need A Humanitarian Partner For Its New Digital Currency?

Dragana Kaurin says that Libra is getting more out of the relationship than Mercy Corps

Jul 19, 2019
Jul 19, 2019

What We Created During Assembly 2019

Over three months the BKC and MIT Media Lab’s third annual Assembly program built four projects that offer ways to move forward on the thorny problems at the intersection of AI…

Harvard Magazine

Curricle, the Course Catalog Matrix

Researchers from metaLAB develop a new tool for curricular exploration at Harvard

Jul 17, 2019

Technical Flaws of Pretrial Risk Assessments Raise Grave Concerns

Twenty-seven prominent researchers from MIT, Harvard, Princeton, NYU, UC Berkeley and Columbia have signed an open statement of concern regarding the use of actuarial risk…

Jul 17, 2019
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