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Apr 17, 2007

Blogging on Campus

Blogging is utilized in many ways, but none more than as the soapbox of cyberspace, which obviously presents many challenges to those on the receiving end of rants, accusations,…

Apr 16, 2007

NFL Lifts Objections in Copyright Battle

Months ago, Berkman Fellow Wendy Seltzer began a back-and-forth with the NFL over the fair use of a clip posted to YouTube.  The 33 seconds of Super Bowl footage show the…

Apr 16, 2007

Citizen Journalists Solicited

Boston is celebrating Patriots' Day today, the same way it has for the past 111 years, with the running of the Boston Marathon.  Nearly 24,000 registered entrants will…

Apr 13, 2007

Q&A with the RIAA

Cary Sherman, the president of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), fielded questions about recent RIAA actions and stances at an online session hosted by The…

Apr 12, 2007

Berkman Buzz, week of April 13

BERKMAN BUZZ: A look at the past week's online Berkman conversationsThe Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard Law SchoolWeek of April 9, 2007What's going on...

Apr 12, 2007

Citizen Media and Hyperlocal Journalism

Recently, The J-Lab at the University of Maryland, Merrill College of Journalism, released a report entitled "Citizen Media: Fad or the Future of News."  In their survey of…

Apr 11, 2007

Project VRM Steams Ahead

Vendor Relationship Management, a project spearheaded by Berkman Fellow Doc Searls, is steadily progressing forward, while providing reports and updates on the group's work, as…

Apr 11, 2007

Regulation of Social Networking

The proliferation of online social networking sites has raised a number of concerns.  From cyberbullying and negative publicity to false profiles, there are numerous stakeholders…

Apr 10, 2007

Luncheon Series: Osiakwan & Zuckerman on "Africa's Internet Infrastructure"

This afternoon, Eric Osiakwan and Ethan Zuckerman were joined by a gathering of Berkman visitors and participants to discuss current developments in Africa's Internet and…

Apr 10, 2007

Campaign Online Town Hall Meeting Tonight

Seeking an escape from political debates whose minute details are negotiated at great length by campaigns and major media outlets, the liberal online community, will…

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