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Mar 27, 2007

New Report Analyzes Tech Training in Law Schools

"New Skills, New Learning: Legal education and the promise of technology," a white paper by Berkman Fellow Gene Koo, has just been released.Working in partnership with LexisNexis,…

Mar 26, 2007

New Book Sees "A Crowd of One"

Berkman Fellow John Clippinger's latest work titled "A Crowd of One: The future of individual identity," which looks at the progression of interactions and transactions in…

Mar 26, 2007

University's Role in Cyberspace

The Berkman Center asks for your participation in putting the finishing touches on the 6th biennial Internet & Society Conference (IS2K7) being held on June 1st.  One of the…

Mar 23, 2007

Berkman Buzz, week of March 19

BERKMAN BUZZ: A look at the past week's online Berkman conversationsThe Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard Law SchoolWeek of March 19, 2007What's going on...

Mar 23, 2007

Online Video Sees Some Competition

As recently reported, media giants, News Corporation and NBC/Universal, are banding together to start their own alternative to Google's Youtube video viewing site.News Corp…

Mar 22, 2007

Zittrain on Security and Innovation

Berkman Center co-director and StopBadware founder Jonathan Zittrain is featured in Information Security News speaking on badware as a threat to the openness and innovation of the…

Mar 22, 2007

New Book Examines "Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software"

A new work titled "Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software," edited by a collection of international experts in the field, including Joseph Feller, Brian Fitzgerald, Scott A.

Mar 21, 2007

Youtube Fostering Discussions on Numerous Issues

Whether it's legal debates, copyright controversies, or viral media in general, most conversations of late seem to be coming back to Youtube, Google's wildly popular video-sharing…

Mar 21, 2007

Fair Use Fight Continues

In the latest development of Berkman Fellow Wendy Seltzer's test to determine the boundaries of copyright infringment, her clip of the NFL copyright statement has been taken down…

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