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University's Role in Cyberspace

The Berkman Center asks for your participation in putting the finishing touches on the 6th biennial Internet & Society Conference (IS2K7) being held on June 1st.  One of the features of the conference website - launched last week - is a "question tool" that allows you to submit questions you would like to see participants at this year gathering address.

The central theme of IS2K7 is the "role of university in cyberspace."  This is a topic that Berkman founder, Prof. Charles Nesson addressed in some detail at a December luncheon and concerns all academic environments as they watch traditional research methods and funding, peer review, libraries, and many more areas of academia adapt to this new integrated media space.

Recent events have started the discussion, including a Harvard Libraries luncheon in which Prof. Nesson spoke about "University in a Google World" and Gavin Yamey, Senior Editor of the Public Library of Science talk: "Opening Up to Open Access."

Registration for this year's conference is now open and be sure to catch the next IS2K7 pre-conference event, as the Berkman Center & Harvard Business School present "Distributed Content Production in a Web 2.0 World," on May 7th.