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Cornell Chronicle

Ajunwa to Congress: Help stop employers’ AI-fueled bias

Ifeoma Ajunwa testifies in front of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and Labor

Feb 11, 2020

The Speaker, the President, and the Case of (the) Ripped Up Speech

Jonathan Zittrain argues that while platforms might consider labeling videos like these as manipulated, they should not remove them entirely.

Feb 10, 2020
BU Today

How Campaigns Can Counter Deepfakes

Danielle Citron devised an eight-point plan for political campaigns to protect against fabricated video and audio

Feb 10, 2020
Heinz Radio

Understanding Internet Culture

Taylor Lorenz shares her views on “Ok Boomer,” the “flattening” of politics by social media and the internet, and the causes of the United States’ internet regulation vacuum.

Feb 10, 2020

The Future of Work: Protecting Workers’ Civil Rights in the Digital Age

Ifeoma Ajunwa testified in Congress on automated hiring, workplace surveillance, and genetic testing as part of workplace wellness programs.

Feb 10, 2020
The New York Times

Pelosi Clashes With Facebook and Twitter Over Video Posted by Trump

The video isn’t legally actionable and shouldn’t be taken down, said Jonathan Zittrain, but Facebook and Twitter should probably label the video

Feb 8, 2020

Why We Need a Federal Privacy Law

Mutale Nkonde spoke to Coindesk about surveillance capitalism and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

Feb 8, 2020
The Irish Times
Feb 7, 2020

How social media platforms battle misinformation while profiting from it

Fake news is hard habit to kick when there’s profit to reap and algorithms propelling it

The Atlantic

A World Without Privacy Will Revive the Masquerade

As the growing scale of facial recognition shows, more data can always be extracted.

Feb 7, 2020

ICE now uses cellphone location data to help arrest immigrants

Dragana Kaurin speaks to the problems that arise when law enforcement uses location data.

Feb 7, 2020
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