Summary Report of Expert Roundtable on Colombia’s Draft AI Ethical Framework
Lens on Youth Issues
In November 2020, the Berkman Klein Center’s Policy Practice: AI, in close collaboration with the Colombian government, hosted an expert roundtable offering feedback on Colombia’s draft “Ethical Framework for Artificial Intelligence in Colombia.” The roundtable discussion focused on the youth-related elements of the draft framework. It specifically explored how Colombia’s ethical framework can best ensure that young people are protected from the possible negative impacts of AI, can best take advantage of AI’s opportunities, and have the skills necessary to shape both the future development of AI technologies and the policies around the technologies.
The Policy Practice: AI team collected and synthesized the comments and feedback from the roundtable, captured in this document. Overall, the roundtable participants provided feedback across four key areas: (1) ensuring that the youth-focused principle is dynamic and reflective of unique contexts; (2) balancing protection, provision, and empowerment of youth; (3) providing for multistakeholder dialogue about implementation; and (4) offering legal and policy frameworks to support implementation. This document summarizes these important contributions and has been shared directly with Armando Guio Español, the author of Colombia’s draft “Ethical Framework for Artificial Intelligence in Colombia,” as a direct input to Colombia's work in its implementation of its National Policy on Digital Transformation and AI.
These contributions are an embodiment of the work that BKC engages in as part of BKC Policy Practice: AI, a public interest-oriented program that helps governmental, nonprofit, and private sector organizations implement AI best practices and turn AI principles into operational realities.