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Past Project

AI: Policy Research Clinic with the City of Helsinki

How can artificial intelligence (AI) support students' learning, wellbeing, and retention in public schools — without infringing on students’ rights? How can approaches to the governance and oversight of AI designed for one city’s education system be used to guide AI applications on a global scale?

During the summer of 2021, the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society collaborated with the City of Helsinki’s Education Division and their subcontractor, Saidot, to explore these questions in a three-week educational program, the AI Policy Research Clinic. Drawing on expertise in law, public policy, computer science, and education, a dozen early-career scholars from across the globe convened to support the development of participatory design models and human accountability structures for AI use in Helsinki’s vocational education and training program. 

By focusing on real-world use cases, the program examined how to translate AI ethics and governance principles into practice, in an educational setting. The graduate student participants gathered virtually with their Helsinki partners for in-depth workshops, discussions, and plenary sessions.  

This research clinic was part of the Ethics of Digitalization project led by the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG), the Berkman Klein Center, and the Digital Asia Hub, and in collaboration with the Global Network of Internet & Society Centers (NoC).

Program website



Group 1 output: 

Group 2 output: 

Our Work 03

Sep 2, 2021

Open Access Resources for AI in Schools

From the AI Policy Research Clinic hosted by BKC and the City of Helsinki

From the AI Policy Research Clinic hosted by BKC and the City of Helsinki

Aug 12, 2021

A New Approach to Experiential Learning: Scholars inform the City of Helsinki on ethical AI applications for schools during BKC’s AI Policy Research Clinic

Specialized global team of early career scholars examine ways to use AI technology to support public school students and teachers

A recap of BKC's AI Policy Research Clinic held in the summer of 2021

Jul 6, 2021

BKC Research Clinic Explores Challenges & Opportunities of Public Sector AI Policy in Partnership with City of Helsinki

Early career scholars from around the world navigate the legal, technical, social, and ethical dimensions of successful implementation of AI policy

BKC announces a new education program bringing students together to examine AI policy in a real-world context

People 06

Point of Contact


Urs Gasser


Sandra Cortesi

Faculty Associate

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