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Jul 9, 2003

Gator Deconstructed: Whom Do the Ads Target?

Ever wonder what websites are targeted by Gator and what ads Gator shows? Berkman Student Fellow Ben Edelman has developed an automated method of determining which specific…

Jul 9, 2003

Video from ILAW Posted

ILAW participant and uber-blogger Lisa Rein has posted video clips from the conference featuring professors Jonathan Zittrain and Lawrence Lessig on jurisdiction and porn.

Jul 9, 2003

Voices from ILAW

I am by no means the only one tracking what's happening here @ ILAW.

Jul 9, 2003

ILAW: Benkler on Speech

Professor Yochai Benkler speaks in the next session here @ ILAW about speech on the Internet.

Jul 9, 2003

ILAW: Lessig v. Matusow of Microsoft

Next up: a debate between Professor Lessig and Jason Matusow of Microsoft, on whether open source and proprietary software can peacably co-exist. [Also see participant Frank…

Jul 9, 2003

ILAW: Yochai Benkler on "Layers"

I've missed the majority of Professor Yochai Benkler's session on "layers" here @ ILAW;  fortunately for us, others have not.

Jul 9, 2003

ILAW: Fisher on the Future of Entertainment

Next up here @ ILAW: Professor William "Terry" Fisher in a session entitled "Content: Law," exploring the laws surrounding digital distribution of content: music and films.

Jul 9, 2003

ILAW Response: Copyright Infringement is a Middle Class Crime

LawMeme's James Grimmelmann, responding to a discussion here @ ILAW about music sampling: "Copyright infringement is a middle-class crime.

Jul 9, 2003

ILAW: "Application: Music"

The final session for the day here @ ILAW is moderated by Professor Jonathan Zittrain and features Professor Charles Nesson, Intel Director Emeritus Les Vadasz and the EFF's Fred…

Jul 9, 2003

ILAW: Lessig on Markets and Culture

Professor Larry Lessig is up next here at ILAW, exploring markets and culture, followed by Professor Fisher with possible solutions to the present problem with regard to digital…

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