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Feb 3, 2004

Digital Media Trends in Asia Pacific

Apple has announced that it will release a Japanese version of iTunes in 2004, and other online music distributors are likely to follow this trend toward globalization.  How will…

Feb 3, 2004

ICTs in Learning: The Global Networked Readiness for Education Project

The Global Networked Readiness for Education project web site has been launched.

Feb 2, 2004

Questioning the Kernel

Darl McBride, CEO of SCO, gave a presentation tonight entitled, "Defending Intellectual Property Rights in a Digtial Age" at an event hosted by Harvard's Journal of Law and…

Feb 1, 2004

The Register on Fisher's Alternative Compensation System Model

In today's Register article, Andrew Orlowski positively reviews Professor Terry Fisher's plan to compensate artists for music and other downloads with a small monthly charge to…

Jan 30, 2004

SCO's Darl McBride to Speak at HLS, Monday, 2/2

The Harvard Journal of Law and Technology (JOLT) presents Darl McBride, president and CEO of SCO, to speak on the topic "Defending Intellectual Property Rights in a Digital Age." …

Jan 29, 2004

"There's No Man Keeping Us Down"

Clay Shirky joined the Berkman Center on January 29th for a discussion on powerlaws and weblogs.

Jan 28, 2004

Privacy: What are you so worried about?

New tools that collect information about consumers’ online behavior have equipped advertisers with a potentially dangerous amount of power, according to Tal Zarsky, a Fellow of…

Jan 27, 2004

Two New Ways to Tune In

The Berkman Center is launching two new series to provide a different angle on issues affecting technology and Internet law.  AudioBerkman will provide ten audio documentaries…

Jan 23, 2004

Copy Left in The New York Times

Robert Boynton describes the state of U.S. copyright law in a story in this weekend's New York Times Magazine, "The Tyranny of Copyright?"  Boynton links the controversy over the…

Jan 23, 2004

<-- The Filter --> January 2004

Filter No. 6.3 - January 23, 2004

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