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Jul 9, 2003

ILAW: Fisher on Software--Proprietary Legal Strategies

Professor William "Terry" Fisher speaks next, on "Computer Software: Proprietary Legal Strategies." [Also see weblog notes and commentary from participants Frank Field, Aaron…

Jul 9, 2003

ILAW: Technology

ILAW begins today with a session on technology--a panel moderated by Professor Charles Nesson and featuring Glenn Otis Brown of Creative Commons, Alexander Macgillivray of Google;…

Jul 9, 2003

ILAW: Zittrain and Fisher on Domain Names

The final session today @ ILAW: professors Zittrain and Fisher on "Content: ICANN and Domain Names." JZ: The Internet waits for no one.

Jul 9, 2003

ILAW: Lessig on End-to-End

Below, my complete notes for Professor Lessig's session @ ILAW on "End-to-End";here, participant Frank Field's.

Jul 9, 2003

ILAW: Nesson, Democracy & Weblogs

Professor Charles Nesson took the opportunity during his "Democracy" session to build an impromptu panel comprised of weblog writers in attendance @ ILAW.

Jul 9, 2003

ILAW: Zittrain & Lessig on Porn and Jurisdiction

The Lessig/Zittrain session on porn and jurisdiction went fast as lightning; as a consequence, I am still making sense of my notes.

Jul 9, 2003

ILAW: Jonathan Zittrain on Internet Technology

Jonathan Zittrain's first assignment @ ILAW: explaining the basics of how the Internet works.  The goal: to provide a framework upon which participants who aren't necessarily…

Jul 6, 2003

ILAW: Yochai Benkler on Peer-Production

Professor Yochai Benkler is up at bat here @ ILAW, discussing peer-production of information goods.

Jul 4, 2003

ILAW: Who Gets the Net?

Via Wendy Seltzer, slides from her presentation here @ ILAW.

Jul 4, 2003

ILAW Response: Can the Internet Stay Neutral?

ILAW participant David Hornik: "What is interesting to me about Lessig's discussion of the E2E Network and the value of its openness is how frequently, in my capacity as a VC, I…

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