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Nov 9, 2005

Engemann Luncheon Series: Future Demands of German Citizenry

We learned from yesterday's luncheon series guest, Christoph Engemann, that as Germany moves its social services functions online (for example, unemployment benefits) the…

Nov 8, 2005

Today's Luncheon Series: Christoph Engemann

Today's luncheon series guest is Christoph Engemann.  Engemann will describe how Germany's transition to offering welfare services online has created new responsibilities for…

Nov 8, 2005

By Kenneth Cukier: Another look at patents and technology

Yesterday Kenneth Cukier, technology correspondent for the Economist, visited us at the Berkman Center to discuss his "Market of Ideas," a piece in which he argues that patents…

Nov 7, 2005

MacKinnon on Chinese Blogger Conference

We posted last week about the upcoming and first-ever Chinese bloggers conference that took place this past weekend.

Nov 4, 2005

Internet and Governance -- Looking Over the Week

Yesterday, the House Judiciary subcommittee held a hearing on "Content Protection in the Digital Age: The Broadcast Flag, High-Definition Radio, and the Analog Hole.

Nov 4, 2005

Blogs and China

This weekend is China's first blogger conference.  Rebecca MacKinnon, Berkman fellow, will lead the "Blogging Beyond Borders" session.

Nov 3, 2005

"Sounds Fine" Workshop Webcast

Tonight's "Sounds Fine" introduction to radio technique workshop with Rhod Sharp, will be webcast, 6-7 pm EST.

Nov 3, 2005

House Hearing: "Content Protection in the Digital Age"

Public Knowledge just let us know that today's hearing, "Content Protection in the Digital Age: The Broadcast Flag, High-Definition Radio, and the Analog Hole" has been pushed…

Nov 2, 2005

Wikipedia -- on and offline

Jimmy Wales, Berkman fellow and the founder of Wikipedia, announced earlier this week that "Wikipedia may soon be available in print for readers in the developing world."  Started…

Nov 1, 2005

Today's luncheon series: OpenSource Radio

Today we're hosting OpenSource Radio --  Mary McGrath, Chris Lydon (former Berkman fellow), Brendan Greeley, David Miller, Katherine Bidwell, Chelsea Merz, Robin Amer -- to…

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