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Nov 22, 2005

Global Voices Wins A "Best of Blogs" Award

Global Voices, a non-profit global citizens media project started by Rebecca MacKinnon and Ethan Zuckerman, has won a Best of the Blogs award by Deutsche Welle: The Global Voices…

Nov 22, 2005

Noon Webcast: Berkman Luncheon Series with David Clark

Today at 12:30pm the Berkman Center will webcast its luncheon series talk with David Clark.

Nov 21, 2005

The Future of Software with Microsoft's General Counsel

On Monday, November 28, Berkman will host a public talk and discussion with Brad Smith, General Counsel of Microsoft.

Nov 21, 2005

Supporting Bloggers' Rights

The Electronic Frontier Foundation recently released a Bloggers FAQ on Student Blogging.  It addresses the legal issues arising from student blogging, particularly for high school…

Nov 18, 2005

Film and Fair Use

Today the Center for Social Media at American University released "A Documentary Filmmakers' Statement of Best Practices in Fair Use," which details the situations in which today…

Nov 18, 2005

Circumventing Censorship

The BBC reports on yesterday's events at WSIS and ONI's latest report, "Filtering in Tunisia: 2005."  Also check out The Times of London article, "Read all about it.

Nov 17, 2005

Expression Under Repression at WSIS (the UN's World Summit on the Information Society)

Rebecca MacKinnon and Ethan Zuckerman hosted "Expression Under Repression," a workshop at the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis (for more on that, please check out…

Nov 16, 2005

Open Net Initiative reports on filtering in Tunisia

The Open Net Initiative (ONI) has released its report on filtering by the Tunisian government. The report finds that the Tunisian government uses American software to filter…

Nov 15, 2005

News from WSIS: Web Censorship in Tunisia

Berkman Center representatives at the World Summit on the Information Society are seeing a common thread- censorship by a government that claims to protect freedom of thought and…

Nov 10, 2005

Tonight: "Revenge of the Female Nerds"

We found out about Annalee Newitz's upcoming talk (tonight, 8pm, Pound 100), "Revenge of the Female Nerds -- Busting Media and Industry Myths About Why Women Can't Be Technical,"…

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