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Supporting Bloggers' Rights

The Electronic Frontier Foundation recently released a Bloggers FAQ on Student Blogging.  It addresses the legal issues arising from student blogging, particularly for high school and middle school students.  Here are sample FAQ questions -- Do Public School Students Have Free Speech Rights under the First Amendment? Can Public High School Administrators Censor What I Say in a School-Hosted Blog or Other School-Sponsored Publication?  Can Public College Administrators Censor My School-Hosted Blog? Click here to read the full FAQ.

Also check out the EFF's Legal Guide for Bloggers, which includes a Bloggers' FAQ on Intellectual Property, a Bloggers' FAQ on Privacy, the Bloggers' FAQ on the Privacy Privilege, and more.

If you like the EFF badge we've included in this post, just go here to get your own for your blog.  The badge and new guides are all part of the EFF's Bloggers' Rights Campaign.