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Blogs and China

This weekend is China's first blogger conferenceRebecca MacKinnon, Berkman fellow, will lead the "Blogging Beyond Borders" session. After landing yesterday in Beijing she blogged about how mobile phones in China are generally more sophisticated than here in the US: 

People are definitely using way cooler phones on average than the average cellphones people use in the U.S. - with much more color graphics, video, pictures, and music functions. Going online through your phone has already become a normal activity at least among Beijing/Shanghai users. Somebody also showed me an application he has downloaded onto his phone that basically works as a Skype for your mobile phone - allowing you to call anywhere for the cost of mobile internet access only.  When will I get that in the U.S. I wonder?

If you're interested in learning more about blogging in China, you can tune in to this weekend's conference. Frank Dai at Global Voices (of which Rebecca is a co-founder) tells you how.

Or, if you're interested in studying what's going on in China and you're at Harvard Law School, consider joining the Digital Media Asia team (just send an email to slindsay AT  Eric Priest, one of the research team's leaders, blogged yesterday about P2P technology regulations in China.