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Feb 22, 2006

Q&A with Wendy Seltzer Regarding NBC Universal's Request to YouTube to remove NBC material from its site

Yesterday's New York Times reports that NBC Universal asked YouTube, a free video-sharing site, to "remove about 500 clips of NBC material from its site or face legal action under…

Feb 22, 2006

OpenNet Initiative Analyzes Effects of China's Mandatory Website Registration Regulations

Today the university-based OpenNet Initiative (ONI) released a bulletin analyzing the effects to date of China's non-commercial website registration regulations on website owners…

Feb 21, 2006

Today's Events -- Please Join Us

***For those of you in the Boston area who usually attend our Tuesday luncheon series events, please note that we will not be hosting a luncheon series event today.  Stay tuned…

Feb 17, 2006

Berkman Blog Buzz, week of February 17

A look at the past week's online Berkman conversations.  For a complete picture, please visit our Berkman aggregator.  Last week's Blog Buzz is here. "While the first part of the…

Feb 16, 2006

"The Internet in China: A Tool for Freedom or Suppression?"

Two weeks ago John Palfrey (Clinical Professor of Law, Berkman's Executive Director, and ONI principal) testified before the House and yesterday both he and Berkman Fellow Rebecca…

Feb 15, 2006

Podcast and Q & A with The Sunlight Foundation

"The Sunlight Foundation will help change the culture of Congress by exposing the identity, nature and means of those involved in corruption and by fostering greater transparency…

Feb 14, 2006

Today's Luncheon Series Webcast: "Transparency, Accountability, and Congress"

Today (Feb. 14) we will webcast our luncheon series talk with Ellen Miller, Mike Klein, Micah Sifry, and Andrew Rasiej of the Sunlight Foundation regarding "Transparency,…

Feb 14, 2006

Interview - Rebecca MacKinnon

Berkman Fellow Rebecca MacKinnon was a guest on this morning's Diane Rehm Show along with Sebastian Mallaby, Lucie Morillon, Congressman Chris Smith.  She discussed Internet…

Feb 13, 2006

Summer Opportunities at Berkman's European Affiliates

Are you a law student seeking a summer internship? An advanced degree student seeking summer study in a new environment? Berkman's friends at the University of St.

Feb 10, 2006

Berkman Blog Buzz

A look at the past week's online Berkman conversations.  For a complete picture, please visit our Berkman aggregator.  Last week's Blog Buzz is here.“This year’s iteration of…

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