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Mar 15, 2006

Comic Relief - "Bound by Law?"

Duke Law School's Center for the Study of the Public Domain has just released "BOUND BY LAW?" - a comic book on copyright and creativity -- specifically, documentary film.

Mar 15, 2006

Digital Rights Management and the Process of Fair Use

Tim Armstrong, Berkman Fellow and Assistant Director of Berkman's Clinical Program, just published "Digital Rights Management and the Process of Fair Use" through SSRN.  From the…

Mar 13, 2006

Berkman Events & Webcasts This Week

There are several exciting events happening this week at Berkman, and all will be webcast live.

Mar 13, 2006

Wikimania 2006 -- Upcoming Proposal Deadline

Berkman Fellow, Jimmy Wales, and other Wikipedians, will be hosting Wikimania 2006, an annual international conference devoted to Wikipedia and the Wikmedia Foundation projects. …

Mar 10, 2006

Berkman Blog Buzz, week of March 10

A look at the past week's online Berkman conversations.

Mar 10, 2006

Dan Gillmor -- Upcoming Citizen Media Series, March 14

On Tuesday, March 14 the Berkman Center will host the second in Dan Gillmor's Citizens Media events series, “Engaging with the News, Part I: The Daily Me and We."In a world of…

Mar 9, 2006

Featured Fellow: Derek Bambauer

This is the first of a series of posts on Berkman's fellows.  The Berkman Center is home to approximately thirty fellows, all of whom focus their time and energy on issues…

Mar 8, 2006

From Peer to Patent

There is work underway to create a peer review system for patents at the Peer-to-Patent Project.  Led by Beth Noveck, the Director of the Institute for Law & Policy, the Project…

Mar 7, 2006

David Isenberg - F2C: Freedom to Connect Conference

David Isenberg, Berkman Fellow, has put together and will host the F2C: Freedom to Connect Conference in Washington, DC from April 3-4.  The conference will focus on issues…

Mar 7, 2006

Live webcast event today: Stefan Bechtold

Our Tuesday luncheon series guest today is Stefan Bechtold, discussing "Trusted Computing Between Closed and Open Architectures." Stefan Bechtold is a rising star in cyberlaw…

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