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Dan Gillmor -- Upcoming Citizen Media Series, March 14

On Tuesday, March 14 the Berkman Center will host the second in Dan Gillmor's Citizens Media events series, “Engaging with the News, Part I: The Daily Me and We."

In a world of democratized media, we don’t have to settle anymore for the newspaper that a carrier drops in the driveway or the 5 o’clock news broadcast. Even the traditional media are offering new choices, including podcasts and outbound links, but this is only a starting point. We can, and should, assemble our own news reports from the vast data streams. We can use tools to help navigate our way through the masses of information, but the human component remains crucial. Recommendation systems and other emergent notions can help answer the question of who and what is trustworthy in a world where anyone can publish.

Dan Gillmor is the founder & director of the Center for Citizen Media, author of “We the Media,” and a Berkman Center fellow.

The event is Tuesday, March 14, at 7pm in Pound 102 at Harvard Law School. Drinks & desserts will be provided!