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Jack Lerner

Jack was Research Fellow at the Berkman Center, where he worked to develop a nonprofit digital music distribution system modeled after proposals to…

Cedar Pruitt

Archived biography: Cedar Pruitt worked for the Berkman Center from 2000-2001 as a reporter for The Filter. In addition to researching issues in…

Molly Krause

Molly Krause was the Project Leader for H2O -- an open source, educational platform that explores powerful ways to connect professors, students, and…

SJ Klein

Samuel Klein is a Wikipedian, a One Laptop per Child organizer, a mathematics and physics zealot, a clutch proofreader, and a long-time Bostonian.

Eric Priest

Eric Priest was a Resident Fellow overseeing the China implementation of the Noank Digital Media Exchange project, a next-generation copyright…

Christina Olson

Christina Olson was a fellow at Berkman Center and the Project Manager for StopBadware.

Dotan Oliar

Dotan taught a seven-meeting workshop and organized a reading group on economic analysis of intellectual property, was a teaching assistant for the…

Rebecca Nesson

Rebecca Nesson is a Berkman Alumae and a Ph.D. candidate in Computational Linguistics at Harvard University.

Jackie Harlow

Jackie Harlow is an affiliate of the Berkman Center who worked on the Digital Media Project while a student at Harvard Law School.

James F. Moore

James (Jim) Moore was a Senior Fellow at the Berkman Center.

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