Molly Krause is the Project Leader for H2O -- an open source, educational platform that explores powerful ways to connect professors, students, and researchers online. As Project Leader, she helps to design the technology, gathers feedback to ensure user-centered development, manages operations and fundraising, and serves as general H2O evangelist.
Molly’s interests include: 1) the relationship between technology and education in our global society; 2) online communities and the simple tools that foster them; and 3) women and technology studies.
Prior to the Berkman Center, Molly worked for IBM in its Strategic Consulting Services division. After great experiences at IBM, she saw the need to build and share online technologies that could transform education. She arrived at the Berkman Center to help advance its educational technology efforts. Molly has presented H2O at Syllabus2005, EDUCAUSE, and other education and technology conferences.
Molly Krause received her B.A. from Harvard University in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science.