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Jun 13, 2008

2008 Presidential E-lection

This week, the Digital Natives and Internet and Democracy projects both dove into the 2008 campaign, offering their thoughts on the role of the Internet in the current U.S…

Jun 12, 2008

Berkman summer interns set up in the blogosphere

From the Berkman Summer Interns 2008 blog...It’s a little crowded in the Berkman Center’s physical domain. Interns (myself included) cluster into the kitchen, the conference room,…

Jun 11, 2008

Prince, Bootlegging, and Copyright Protection for Live Performances

Citizen Media Law Project assistant director Sam Bayard follows up on the "Prince/Radiohead/YouTube flap," raising some additional questions and asking, "Copyright geeks and fair…

Jun 11, 2008

Berkman@10: into the future

"The Future of the Internet" conference is three weeks behind us, but the insights and trajectories it generated lie ahead. Roll up your sleeves. We continue our collective…

Jun 9, 2008

Publius: Suber and Hagemann on open access, Pignetti on Lessons in Literacy from the NOLA Blogosphere

The Publius project, launched in conjunction with Berkman@10, published three new essays last week.

Laura DeBonis

Laura DeBonis

Jun 6, 2008

Berkman Buzz: Week of June 2, 2008

The DMCA "repeat infringers," Journalism in the digital age, the Arabic blogosphere and more...all in this week's BUZZ!

Jessica Tatlock

Jess Tatlock joined the Berkman Center in Spring, 2008 as the Coordinator of the Internet Safety Technical Task Force.

Jun 5, 2008

The Library in the New Age

Robert Darnton, head of the Harvard University library, who helped advocate for open access at the University, has written an essay for the New York Review of Books on "what it…

Jun 4, 2008

Thank You, Students and Research Assistants!

As Harvard prepares for commencement later this week, with possibility and sunshine on the horizon, we at Berkman can’t enter the summer without offering tremendous thanks and…

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