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Berkman summer interns set up in the blogosphere

From the Berkman Summer Interns 2008 blog...

It’s a little crowded in the Berkman Center’s physical domain. Interns (myself included) cluster into the kitchen, the conference room, the library, or any other space with power outlets and chairs that appears unoccupied in the cozy environs of 23 Everett Street. Don’t be misled. We are a happy bunch, and closeness in physical proximity only makes us a more cohesive pack of interns.

Whatever space the Berkman lacks in “the real world,” the Center more than makes up for with expansive digital real estate. The Center’s website is as deep as it is wide (which is saying a lot of about its archives) and contains any number of links to projects, and initiatives currently underway. There is also a rich, digital neighborhood of Berkman blogs, which covers everything from the personal lives of staffers and fellows, to official journals of on-going research. Like I said, it might not be the biggest place in meat space, but on the internet it feels endless.

Pleasantly endless.

Which brings us to the 2008 Interns Blog, another notable addition in the bustling digital metropolis of the Berkman Center online. In this space, the summer’s 30+ interns will be posting updates on their work and research at the Center in addition to personal introductions and notes on their time at Harvard this summer. We are a fascinating bunch, I can tell you. Doctoral candidates, law students, and undergraduates alike compose this year’s pool, all sharing the unique perspectives, and experiences on issues of contemporary networked culture and societal paradigms...