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Berkman@10: into the future

The Berkman staff has been regrouping after May 15 and 16's big conference and gala and the announcement of the Berkman Award winners, all of which capped off the Center's year-long, tenth anniversary celebration, Berkman@10. We've been recovering, yes, and busily plotting a number of related wrap-up and follow-up pieces -- to extend the collective energy, insight, and good will from Berkman@10 into future conversations, research, and action.

In the following weeks we'll be rolling out these pieces and inviting the support and continued involvment of Berkman@10 participants and the community at large. Last Thursday, two weeks after kicking off "The Future of the Internet" conference, we began with the end, which is to say, with the beginning of the future:

We have now posted videos of all of the plenary sessions from "The Future of the Internet." Videos are linked from session titles in the conference agenda and are available from our site's Interactive section.

Additional media, write-ups, and more are indeed on the way. In the meantime, be sure to check out -- and join in via comments:

Finally, we invite you to enjoy, if you missed them, the classic multimedia pieces we re-presented in the weeks leading up to "The Future of the Internet":