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Feb 4, 2009

Welcome, Urs Gasser!

As the spring semester begins, we are delighted to officially welcome Professor of Law at the University of St. Gallen Dr. Urs Gasser into his new role as Berkman’s Executive…

Feb 3, 2009

What is, anyway?

By way of follow up to an active weekend for our colleagues at StopBadware, project manager Max Weinstein has taken some time to answer "What is" for newcomers,…

Feb 2, 2009

CMLP: "Virginia Blogger Targeted With Outrageous Subpoena"

Last week CMLP reported on an overreaching subpoena served against Charlottesville, Virgina blogger Waldo Jaquith...

Jan 30, 2009

Berkman Buzz: Week of January 26, 2009

Rescuing newspapers, stifling student speech, advice on China, and this week's BUZZ!

Jan 30, 2009

Design a cover for Eszter Hargittai's new book!

Eszter Hargittai, a sociologist and communication scholar who teaches research methods in the Media, Technology and Society program at Northwestern University, and who is…

Jan 29, 2009

The Legal Education Commons

The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction, with the support of the Berkman Center, has launched the Legal Education Commons, where law professors can exchange and access…

Jan 28, 2009

Upcoming Events and Digital Media Roundup

Today, Cyberscholar meet at MIT. Coming up: Information Superhighway this Saturday and a lunch talk on the Internet Safety Technical Task Force final report.

Jan 28, 2009

Data Privacy Day

Today, the US, Canada, and a host of European countries are celebrating the second annual Data Privacy Day. In honor of the Day, we are re-presenting Digital Natives project…

Jan 23, 2009

Berkman Buzz: Week of January 19, 2009

A more intimate democracy, financial crisis, a new administration, and this week's BUZZ!

Jan 21, 2009

Upcoming Events and Digital Media Roundup

Next week, Ethan Zuckerman presents on "Mapping Globalization" at the luncheon series. Plus, we've posted video from Peter Semmelhack's talk on "The Long Tail of Gadgets".

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