Upcoming Events and Digital Media Roundup
January 28, 2009 // Upcoming events and digital media
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[1] [TODAY 1/28/09] Harvard-MIT-Yale Cyberscholar Working Group: "Youth online: designing for participation and collaboration" - Andrés Monroy-Hernández (MIT) / "Participatory Media for Youth and Community Development" - Danielle Martin (MIT) / and "Bringing Participatory Media and Learning to Ethnically Diverse Populations in Northwest China" - Stephen Wilmarth. (http://cyber.harvard.edu/node/5002)
[2] [SATURDAY 1/31/09] Information Superhighway 4 (http://cyber.harvard.edu/node/4996)
[3] [TUESDAY 2/03/08] Berkman Luncheon Series: "ISTTF: Enhancing Child Safety and Online Technologies" with John Palfrey, danah boyd, Dena Sacco, and Laura DeBonis (http://cyber.harvard.edu/events/luncheon/2009/02/isttf)
1/28/09, 5:30 PM ET, MIT building 3, room 133
Dinner is provided but please RSVP to ckaman@mit.edu.
The "Harvard-MIT-Yale Cyberscholar Working Group" is a forum for fellows and affiliates of the Comparative Media Studies Program at MIT, Yale Law School Information Society Project, and the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School to discuss their ongoing research. Each session is focused on the peer review and discussion of current projects submitted by a presenter. Meeting alternatively at Harvard, MIT, Yale, the working group aims to expand the shared knowledge of young scholars by bringing together these preeminent centers of thought on issues confronting the information age. Discussion sessions are designed to facilitate advancements in the individual research of presenters and in turn encourage exposure among the participants to the multi-disciplinary features of the issues addressed by their own work.
More on the event and the presenters: http://cyber.harvard.edu/node/5002
1/31/09, 8:00-12:00PM, Berkman Squared, 50 Church St, Cambridge, MA
Boston is full of cool Internet people. Why aren't they meeting each other?
INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY is Boston's monthly party gathering hackers, activists, artists, designers, nonprofits, startups, academics and general geekery to hang out and connect with one another.
* No agenda, no "networking," no presentations. Just beverages, food, ideas and cool people.
* Best of all the price is free, just like the current market value for the Michael Jackson's Moonwalker.
* This time: come out and meet Boston's gaming peeps! We're gathering startups, nonprofit game developers, researchers, and (as usual) a few awesome curveball guests for the mix.
* Also, come and play games! We'll have some cool newer fare set up on big screen and projector -- but will also be working the nostalgia circuit (read: Sam and Max, Doom, Chrono Trigger, NetHack) with a bank of slick XOs courtesy One Laptop Per Child.
More: http://cyber.harvard.edu/node/4996
2/03/08, 12:30 PM ET, Berkman Center Conference Room
RSVP is required (rsvp@cyber.harvard.edu).
Topic: ISTTF: Enhancing Child Safety and Online Technologies
Guest: John Palfrey, danah boyd, Dena Sacco, and Laura DeBonis
Many youth in the United States have fully integrated the Internet into their daily lives. For them, the Internet is a positive and powerful space for socializing, learning, and engaging in public life. Along with the positive aspects of Internet use come risks to safety, including the dangers of sexual solicitation, online harassment, and bullying, and exposure to problematic and illegal content. Last January, The Multi-State Working Group on Social Networking, comprising 50 state Attorneys General, called upon MySpace to assemble an Internet Safety Technical Task Force to determine the extent to which today's technologies could help to address these online safety risks, with a primary focus on social network sites in the United States. Led by the Berkman Center, the Task Force completed its year-long inquiry in December, and recently released its Final Report to the Attorneys General, sparking a lively public debate about what kinds of risks youth are really facing online, and what can and should be done to make the Internet safer for them. On Febuary 3, Task Force Chair John Palfrey, along with project co-directors danah boyd and Dena Sacco and Technical Advisory Board Chair Laura DeBonis will present the report's findings, discuss its major recommendations and answer any questions.
This event will be webcast live; for more information and a complete description, see the event web page: http://cyber.harvard.edu/events/luncheon/2009/02/isttf
DIGITAL MEDIA: Watch and Listen
Did you miss this week's luncheon talk? Catch up with Berkman videos, podcasts, pictures, and dig in to our archive at http://cyber.harvard.edu/interactive.
-Berkman Luncheon Series with ETHAN ZUCKERMAN on "Mapping Globalization": http://cyber.harvard.edu/interactive/events/luncheon/2009/01/zuckerman
-RADIO BERKMAN with DAVID WEINBERGER and STEPHEN SCHULTZE: "WWW vs. FCC": http://cyber.harvard.edu/interactive/podcasts/radioberkman106
-DAVID WEINBERGER spoke at the Digital, Life Design Conference: http://video.dld-conference.com/watch/Wg9sD0D
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See our events calendar if you're curious about future luncheons, discussions, lectures, conferences, and more: http://cyber.harvard.edu/events. All of our events are free and open to the public, unless otherwise noted.
The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University was founded to explore cyberspace, share in its study, and help pioneer its development. For more information, visit http://cyber.harvard.edu.