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Washington Blade

Tech experts fear new US broadcasting chief could jeopardize LGBTQ Internet freedom

Afsaneh Rigot says internet privacy and security measures are critical safety tools

Jul 7, 2020
Oxford Internet Institute

Disinformation by Design: How Media Manipulation Campaigns Are Constructed

Joan Donovan discusses new article on platform design and disinformation

Jul 7, 2020
Deep Dives

The Future Is TransFeminist: from imagination to action

Joana Varon describes a new tool designed to help collectively envision ideas for alternative imaginaries of futuristic technologies

Jul 3, 2020

How can we ban facial recognition when it’s already everywhere?

Mutale Nkonde speaks with Vox about facial recognition technology

Jul 3, 2020

#BlackLivesMatter saw tremendous growth on social media. Now what?

Jenny Korn discusses the use of #BlackLivesMatter on social media

Jul 2, 2020

What Does “Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior” Actually Mean?

There’s no clear definition, and that’s worrisome, evelyn douek says.

Jul 2, 2020

Twitter Deletes Trump’s Photo of Himself After NY Times Copyright Complaint

Lumen database hosts DMCA notice for the tweet

Jul 2, 2020

You Purged Racists From Your Website? Great, Now Get to Work

Joan Donovan says social media sites can—and must—take action to control the content on their sites.

Jul 1, 2020
BKC Medium Collection

Ken and Karen are White Supremacists

Apryl Williams explains that although memes are humorous, Karens and Kens of the world express a dangerous, audacious kind of White supremacy

Jul 1, 2020
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Advertisers retreating from Facebook amid backlash over hate speech on social media

evelyn douek joins Australian Broadcasting Corporation to discuss backlash over hate speech on social media

Jul 1, 2020
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