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Al Jazeera

Data collection is not the solution for Europe's racism problem

Structural racism can be combatted only if there is political will, not more data.

Jul 29, 2020

Amanda Third

Professor Amanda Third (PhD) is Professorial Research Fellow in the Institute for Culture & Society, and Co-Director of the Young and Resilient…

Jul 28, 2020

BKC Policy Practice: Digital Pandemic Response provides practical guidance, expert opinion for decision makers

Informing the use of digital tools and data for COVID-19

Public and private policymakers are collaborating with the new BKC Policy Practice: Digital Pandemic Response program to work through difficult questions about using digital tools…

MIT Technology Review

Why Congress should look at Twitter and Facebook

“We cannot build a healthy democracy on top of an ailing communication system”

Jul 27, 2020
New Books in Technology

Interview: Design Justice

Sasha Costanza-Chock discusses their book Design Justice on New Books in Technology

Jul 27, 2020

Twitter Brings Down the Banhammer on QAnon

Twitter’s QAnon response underlines “how powerful and unaccountable” companies are, evelyn douek says.

Jul 24, 2020

Twitter Finally Cracked Down on QAnon—but There’s a Catch

evelyn douek discusses Twitter’s recent plans to mitigate QAnon with Slate

Jul 24, 2020

Sarah Sobieraj

Sarah Sobieraj is Professor and Chair of the Department of Sociology at Tufts University.

Laura Robinson

Laura Robinson is a sociologist whose current work examines digital sociology including digital inequalities, digital political discourse, crises…

Stefania Milan

Stefania Milan is Professor of Critical Data Studies at the University of Amsterdam, and a research associate within the Chair in AI & democracy at…

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