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Peter B. Kaufman

Peter leads strategic initiatives at MIT Open Learning and is an advisor to the Nymity project at the Berkman Klein Center.

MIT Technology Review

Vaccine waitlist Dr. B collected data from millions. But how many did it help?

Elizabeth Renieris discusses data collection by private-sector companies and how incentives differ for public health organizations.

May 24, 2021
Johns Hopkins

Rechanneling Beliefs: How Information Flows Hinder or Help American Democracy

Bruce Schneier and colleague Henry Farrell published a new report via the Johns Hopkins Stavros Niarchos Foundation.

May 24, 2021
The Verge

New research shows how many important links on the web get lost to time

The Verge features study from John Bowers and Jonathan Zittrain

May 21, 2021
Columbia Journalism Review

What the ephemerality of the Web means for your hyperlinks

A study by John Bowers, Clare Stanton, and Jonathan Zittrain examined hyperlinks in New York Times articles from 1996 through mid-2019.

May 21, 2021

Sarah Schwettmann

Sarah Schwettmann is a neuroscientist and machine learning researcher based at MIT.

The Washington Post

‘Grassroots’ bot campaigns are coming. Governments don’t have a plan to stop them.

Bruce Schneier and colleague argue AI software can easily pass for real public comments

May 20, 2021
May 19, 2021

Planning for the Next Pandemic

A Global, Interoperable System of Contact Tracing

John Palfrey and Urs Gasser argue that COVID-19 testing and tracing systems need to work within and across geographic and political boundaries.

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