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The New York Times

Google Seeks to Break Vicious Cycle of Online Slander

Danielle Citron comments on Google’s efforts to reduce slander.

Jun 10, 2021

The Metaverse: A brave, new (virtual) world

Micaela Mantegna defines the ‘metaverse’ and explains how it could be the next phase of the internet.

Jun 10, 2021

The Empire (Facebook) Strikes Back (at the Oversight Board’s Trump Decision)

evelyn douek shares the limitations of the Facebook Oversight Board's ruling on Donald Trump's account.

Jun 10, 2021
Harvard Business Review

The Coming AI Hackers

Bruce Schneier is interviewed about the future of AI hacking.

Jun 9, 2021
Minnesota Law Review

Understanding Chilling Effects

Jon Penney outlines a new framework for understanding "chilling effects" on speech.

Jun 7, 2021
Jun 7, 2021

How to Help Young People Navigate Life Online Post-Pandemic

In Newsweek, Alexa Hasse offers some key lessons about the skills young people need to be good “digital citizens”

The Atlantic

Facebook Won’t Talk About the Insurrection

evelyn douek and Joan Donovan comment on Facebook’s response to the January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

Jun 7, 2021

Where did the microchip vaccine conspiracy theory come from anyway?

Joan Donovan shares findings from her research on vaccine misinformation.

Jun 5, 2021

Viral Lies

Joan Donovan explores vaccine disinformation and the election.

Jun 5, 2021
The Washington Post

Activision, an indie developer and the battle over the ‘Warzone’ name

Kendra Albert explains lawsuit over “Warzone” video game trademark

Jun 4, 2021
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