John Palfrey's Next Chapter: Onward to the Phillips Academy!
The directors of the Berkman Center wish to extend our warmest congratulations to John Palfrey, our colleague and friend, upon his appointment as the Head of School of the Phillips Academy Andover.
For the past decade, John has been essential to the life of the Berkman Center. His extraordinary combination of intelligence, knowledge, wisdom, and diplomacy has inspired and sustained us. The same traits, we are confident, will make him an outstanding leader of the Andover School.
Fortunately, John will not be leaving us altogether. He has kindly agreed to continue to lead some of the remarkable projects he has launched – most importantly, the Digital Public Library of America.
We are deeply grateful for all that John has contributed – to the Berkman Center community and to each of us individually. We wish him well in his new position, and we look forward to continued collaboration in the years to come.
Yochai Benkler
John Deighton
Terry Fisher
Urs Gasser
Jack Goldsmith
Alex Keyssar
Charles Nesson
Charles Ogletree
Stuart Shieber
Jonathan Zittrain
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