John Perry Barlow looking back on an Internet decade
Find your headphones and grab a seat, maybe skip the popcorn this week. As part of the Berkman Center’s ongoing tenth anniversary celebration, Berkman@10, we’re retrieving some classics from our multimedia archive and adding them to our new YouTube channel.
So far, we’ve re-presented Lawrence Lessig’s fall 2000 debate with Jack Valenti and brought back Charles Nesson’s framing of IS2K7, University: Knowledge Beyond Authority. This week, in honor of the Public Radio Exchange, which just won the MacArthur Foundation’s 2008 Award for Creative and Effective Institutions (along with seven other nonprofits), we’re going radio-style!
In February 2004, Nesson aurally annotated an interview with John Perry Barlow, “Looking Back on an Internet Decade.” The occasion was the tenth anniversary of Barlow’s “shot heard ‘round the world” -- not A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace, but his earlier The Economy of Ideas: A framework for patents and copyrights in the Digital Age. As Ben Walker, long-time affiliate and friend of Berkman, questions Barlow on the shifting fortunes of this seminal Wired essay, Nesson weaves in comments and context for assessing the legacy and future of an idea of intellectual property as intrinsically different from physical property. The finished package was produced by Ben Walker, with Creative Commons-licensed music by Brendan Brittan. Using CC-licensed photos, current Berkman communications intern Yvette Wohn pulled together the slide show that accompanies the audio.
Without further ado…
Berkman@10 is in full swing:
- Registration is open for the May15-16 Berkman@10 conference on "The Future of the Internet."
- Registration is also open for the May 16 Berkman@10 gala, where the first-ever Berkman Awards will be presented.
- And much more: keep up to date with lead up events, the evolving conference agenda, and related announcements at http://www.berkmanat10.org.