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Nov 18, 2003

Recording Artists Project: Adapting to the Beat, 11/13/03

On Thursday, November 13, Harvard Law School's Recording Artists Project presented a panel discussion, "Adapting to the Beat: The Music Industry in Flux." Speakers were industry…

Nov 14, 2003

Professor Fryderyk Zoll Discusses EU Standard Contract Terms

On Friday, November 14th, Professor Fryderyk Zoll joined members of the Berkman Center team and several Harvard Law students to discuss standard contract terms of the European…

Nov 14, 2003

<-- The Filter --> November 2003

Your regular dose of public-interest Internet news and commentary from the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School.

Nov 7, 2003

Penn State Buys Napster for Student Body - But Do They Want It? reports that students at Penn State don't want their tuition money spent to protect them from RIAA lawsuits.

Nov 6, 2003

EFF and Stanford Center for Internet and Society to File Suit Against Diebold

As Diebold invokes the Digital Millennium Copyright Act against students and others who have posted on their websites correspondence linking the company to the Republican Party,…

Nov 4, 2003

Haber of Copyright Clearance Center Visits Berkman Center

Frederic Haber, General Counsel for the Copyright Clearance Center, led a lunchtime discussion today, November 4th, at the Berkman Center. The topic was Digital Rights Management…

Nov 3, 2003

Berkman Center Launches Digital Media Project, Multi-Year Grant from MacArthur Foundation

After a year of laying a foundation in digital media research in conjunction with research partner and supporter Gartner|G2, the Berkman Center proudly launches today its Digital…

Oct 30, 2003

Berkman Staff Advise ICT Education Program

The Workshop on Global ICT Education Program, held October 29 and 30 at MIT, brought together an Advisory Council for the Program, which aims to offer training courses to young…

Oct 29, 2003

Zittrain Speaks Out on RFID In CIO Magazine

In "The End of Hide and Seek," Professor Jonathan Zittrain details his reasons for inserting a radio frequency identification chip under the skin of his dog, the adorable Mrs.

Oct 28, 2003

CyberPrivacy Series Launches Today

CyberPrivacy, the newest Berkman Center BOLD series, launches today, October 28th, at noon Eastern time.

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