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Jan 23, 2004

Copy Left in The New York Times

Robert Boynton describes the state of U.S. copyright law in a story in this weekend's New York Times Magazine, "The Tyranny of Copyright?"  Boynton links the controversy over the…

Jan 23, 2004

<-- The Filter --> January 2004

Filter No. 6.3 - January 23, 2004

Jan 22, 2004

RIAA Sues Users, Round 2

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) filed lawsuits against 532 people for alleged copyright violation in the use of illegal file-sharing services.  This is the…

Jan 16, 2004

Survey Says -- Downloads Up or Downloads Down?

Conflicting data has emerged in the past few weeks about the rate of music downloading since the Recording Industry Association of America’s (RIAA) lawsuits against individual…

Jan 16, 2004

“Visibility Builds Trust” – Shared-Source at Microsoft

While a bitter divide sometimes separates advocates of open-source software from supporters of proprietary model, the appearance of Microsoft representative Jason Matusow at a…

Jan 14, 2004

Internet Music by the People, for the People

In his new paper CommuniCast: Developing a Community-Programmed Webcasting Service, Todd Larson proposes the creation of a peer-produced internet music service that would offer…

Jan 9, 2004

Call for Submissions: Yale Conference on CyberCrime

Yale Law School's Information Society Project (ISP) will present a conference on CyberCrime and Digital Law Enforcement, taking place on March 26-28, 2004 at Yale Law School.

Jan 8, 2004

Normative Principles for Evaluating Free and Proprietary Software

This article explains the ways in which free and proprietary software are at odds, and offers a framework by which to assess their value - a prerequisite to determining the extent…

Jan 7, 2004

Howard Bashman to Lecture at HLS, 1/12, 6:30pm

Howard Bashman, author of the popular blawg (law weblog) How Appealing, and chair of the Appellate Practice of Buchanan Ingersoll, will lecture at Harvard Law School on Monday,…

Jan 6, 2004

Brush Up on the Diebold Controversy

As the controversy about electronic voting and the security of Diebold's voting systems continues to unfold, the Berkman Center has released a briefing that outlines the history…

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