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Oct 2, 2007

Rogue Anti-Spyware

From, Grandpa Albert thinks he might have badware on his computer.

Oct 1, 2007

The State Department takes on Blogging

Ever since Dave Winer came to the Berkman Center in 2003 preaching the promise of weblogs, we have been able to put them to a number of great uses - from the Berkman Weblogs for…

Oct 1, 2007

Not Every Cease-And-Desist Letter is a DMCA Takedown Notice

From Sam Bayard of the Citizen Media Law Project...Today, the Chilling Effects Clearinghouse posted a cease-and-desist letter from MediaDefender to complaining that…

Sep 28, 2007

Berkman Co-Sponsors Intellectual Property Conference

The Berkman Center is proud to be a co-sponsor of this year's conference on "IP and the Trend towards Openness," presented by the Fellows of the Royal Society of the Arts in the…

Sep 28, 2007

Berkman Buzz, week of September 24

BERKMAN BUZZ: A look at the past week's online Berkman conversationsThe Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard Law SchoolWeek of September 24, 2007.* * * * * * * * * * * *…

Sep 28, 2007

DOJ Panel This Monday

This upcoming Monday, 10/1, the HLS Office of Public Interest Advising and the Berkman Center Clinical Office will present "Dear Judge Mukasey : Justice Department Veterans Offer…

Sep 27, 2007

Wendy Seltzer on "Righting the Copyright Balance"

Tonight at 7:30 PM Eastern, Berkman Fellow and Professor of Law at Northeastern University Wendy Seltzer will give a talk at Cornell University on "Righting the Copyright Balance,…

Sep 27, 2007

Center for Social Media Report on Fair Use in Media Literacy

From Berkman Fellow Lewis Hyde....The Center for Social Media at American University has just released a report on "The Cost of Copyright Confusion for Media Literacy," a new…

Sep 27, 2007

Making a Business of Citizen Media

From Dan Gillmor of the Center for Citizen Media...Good news: We’re about to launch a first in a series of postings about citizen media as a business.

Sep 26, 2007

Berkman Center weighs in on I.P. debate

As we mentioned earlier this week, copyright controversies seem to be popping up all over the place recently.

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