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DOJ Panel This Monday

This upcoming Monday, 10/1, the HLS Office of Public Interest Advising and the Berkman Center Clinical Office will present "Dear Judge Mukasey : Justice Department Veterans Offer Suggestions for Renewing Effectiveness and Morale at DOJ" from 12:00-1:30 in Pound Hall 332.

Come hear a truly stellar panel of former DOJ officials discuss what the new Attorney General will need to do to get DOJ back on track. Panelists, both in-person and via speakerphone, will include: 

* Professor Phil Heyman, former Deputy Attorney General and Assistant Attorney General (Criminal Division)  
* Professor Walter Dellinger, former Acting Solicitor General and Assistant Attorney General (Office of Legal Counsel)  
* Bud Cummins, former US Attorney, Eastern District of Arkansas 
* William Yeomans, former Acting Assistant Attorney General (Civil Rights Division)  
* Donald Ayer, former Principal Deputy Solicitor General and Deputy Attorney General  
* James Flug, former Confidential Assistant to Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach

For further background and articles on the DOJ situation, check out the events wiki page. You can find the event flyer here.