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Oct 9, 2007

Drew Clark on the Politics of Telecom, Media and Technology

Drew Clark of the Center for Public Integrity joined an enthusiastic crowd at today's Berkman Luncheon Series to discuss "Media Tracker, FCC Watch, and the Politics of…

Oct 9, 2007

"Trends in Badware 2007" released

StopBadware has just released the 2007 update on the state of badware on the web - "Trends in Badware 2007: What internet users need to know." The short report is a plain-English…

Oct 9, 2007

Justice Thomas's Myopic View of the Internet

From David Ardia of the Citizen Media Law Project...Timed to coincide with the release of Justice Clarence Thomas’s autobiography, the First Amendment Center today published an…

Oct 5, 2007

Berkman Buzz, week of October 1

BERKMAN BUZZ: A look at the past week's online Berkman conversationsThe Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law SchoolWeek of October 1, 2007.* * * * * * * * * * * * …

Oct 5, 2007

"Born Digital" and "Digital Natives" at OECD-Canada Foresight Forum

From Berkman fellow Urs Gasser on his presentation of the Digital Natives project this week...Here in Ottawa, I had the pleasure to speak at the OECD Technology Foresight Forum of…

Oct 4, 2007

Berkman.TV Presents “Has Common Sense Flown the COOP?”

Not too long ago, a student was escorted out of the Harvard University Bookstore (The Coop) for copying ISBNs from course materials only available at that store.  The Coop claimed…

Oct 4, 2007

Myanmar: List of Detainees and Letter From A 88 Generation Worker

From yangonthu of Global Voices...Blogger Niknayman has a list of names and affiliations of over 300 monks and civilians who have been arrested by the Myanmar Military Regime.

Oct 3, 2007

Three Great Events Today

There are three great events happening today that you should definitely check out, or tune into, if you have a chance.* OECD-Canada Forum on the Participative Web starts today in…

Oct 3, 2007

Judge Bars Prosecution for Use of Deceased Soldiers' Names and Likenesses

From Sam Bayard of the Citizen Media Law Project...Judge Neil Wake of the United States District Court for the District of Arizona issued an interesting opinion last week dealing…

Oct 2, 2007

James Vasile Presents to Berkman Luncheon Series

This afternoon, the Berkman Luncheon Series continued with a presentation and discussion by James Vasile of the Software Freedom Law Center.James is Counsel for the…

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