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Canadian Underwriter

Huawei a small part of an ‘insurmountably hard problem’ of cybersecurity

The controversy over telecommunications equipment from Chinese manufacturer Huawei is just the tip of a large cyber risk iceberg, Bruce Schneier warns.

May 22, 2019
The Harvard Gazette

The long, deep ties between Harvard and Germany

BKC Executive Director Urs Gasser serves on Angela Merkel’s German Digital Council

May 21, 2019
MIT News

Algorithmic fairness tools explored at MIT Policy Hackathon

A BKC team tasked hackathon participants with developing a new resource for policymakers

May 21, 2019

Surveillance technology under fire, amid growing societal concerns

As San Francisco halts city use of facial recognition technology, CIOs could see more regulatory actions against surveillance technology -- and more limits on their use of data.

May 21, 2019

We Are Tenants on Our Own Devices

While are benefits of “smart” technology, they also afford companies significant control over the devices.

May 20, 2019
Scientific American

The Real Reason Fans Hate the Last Season of Game of Thrones

It's not just bad storytelling—it’s because the storytelling style changed from sociological to psychological

May 17, 2019

Some US Cities Are Moving into Real-Time Facial Surveillance

Gretchen Greene lends insight into the adoption of facial recognition technology in police departments across the U.S.

May 17, 2019

The Bizarre Accuracy of Online Ads

A Case Study of Trackers on the Internet

Ad tracking services are disturbingly effective.

May 16, 2019

How Tech Companies Are Shaping the Rules Governing AI

Yochai Benkler shares concerns about industry’s influence on AI governance and research

May 16, 2019

Ellen Willemin

Ellen Willemin is the Program Manager for Educational Initiatives at the Berkman Klein Center.

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